To manage reads, hits, and parking events, you must first configure the LPR Manager
role settings such as Genetec
Patroller™ user groups, data
retention periods, and so on, and assign an Archiver role to manage the LPR images (captured by
context cameras, LPR cameras, and wheel imaging cameras) associated to the reads and
Before you begin
- By default, the Archiver uses the H.264 stream from SharpV cameras. If you want to use the MJPEG stream, you
can select it in the Configuration > Cameras page in the Sharp
- Read the following before configuring the LPR Manager: Create an Archiver role dedicated to
managing LRP images.
To configure the LPR Manager role:
From the Config
Tool home page, open the
LPR task, and click Roles and units.
Select the LPR Manager you want to configure, and then click .
To change the location of the LPR Manager’s Root folder, browse
to a different folder on the local machine, or create a network folder.
NOTE: If your computer is hosting more than one LPR Manager, each LPR Manager must have a
different root folder.
If you have large hotlists or permit lists associated to individual Genetec
Patroller™ units, turn on the Optimize root
folder disk space option.
IMPORTANT: If your Root folder is on a network drive, the Genetec™
Server service must be configured to run
using a domain user and not a local user.
Turning this option on enables the use of symbolic links to reduce the Root folder’s
disk space, and optimizes the in-vehicle computer's file transfer performance. On both the
server and client machines (requires administrator rights), open Windows Command Prompt,
and then type the following:
To enable symbolic links:
Type fsutil behavior set SymlinkEvaluation R2R:1
To disable symbolic links:
Type fsutil behavior set SymlinkEvaluation R2R:0
From the User group for Patrollers drop-down list, select the
user group that contains the list of users who are allowed to log on to the patrol
vehicles managed by the LPR Manager.
In Genetec
Patroller™ Config Tool, if the Genetec
Logon type is Secure name or Secure name and password, the Genetec
Patroller™ user must enter the username and password
configured in Security
Center. If secure logon
names are in use, when a read or a hit occurs, you can view who was driving the vehicle
in Security
In the Retention period section, specify how long LPR-related data
can is kept:
Patroller™ route retention period:
Number of days the Genetec
route data (GPS coordinates) is kept in the database.
Hit retention period:
Number of days the hit data is kept in the LPR Manager database.
Hit image retention period:
Number of days the hit image data is kept by the linked Archiver role. The Hit
image retention period cannot exceed the Hit retention period since a hit
image is always associated with a hit.
Read retention period:
Number of days the license plate reads are kept in the LPR Manager
database. The Read retention period cannot exceed the Hit retention
period. If the read retention is lower than the hit retention, only the reads that
are associated with hits are kept.
Read image retention period:
Number of days the read image data is kept by the linked Archiver role. The Read
image retention period cannot exceed the Read retention period since a read
image is always associated to a read.
Event retention period:
Number of days Genetec
Patroller™ events (user logged
on, logged off, and patrol vehicle positions) are kept in the LPR Manager database.
Parking occupancy retention period:
Number of days the parking occupancy data is kept in the LPR Manager database.
Parking zone data retention period:
Number of days the parking zone data is kept in the LPR Manager database. This data
includes parking session information, for example, parking session start times and state
transitions, as well as information on the events that occur within the parking zone.
The Parking zone data retention period cannot exceed the Read retention
The default value for each setting it 90 days, and the maximum is 4000 days. Expired
data does not appear in Security
Center queries
and reports (Hit reports, Read reports, and so on).
NOTE: You cannot reduce the size of the database by reducing the retention period
settings. The retention cleanup algorithm is meant to make space for new data. However,
the size of the database file on disk will never shrink.
Click Apply.
Click , and select the Archiver designated to manage the image data for the LPR
In a new installation, the default Archiver is automatically assigned to the LPR
Manager. If your system is only used for LPR, you can keep the default configuration. If
you also intend to manage video on your system, we recommend that you create separate
Archiver roles for video management.
In an upgrade scenario, an Archiver is
automatically assigned to an LPR Manager only if it is the only Archiver in the system,
and only if the Archiver does not manage any video units.
Click Apply.
If you selected an Archiver, click Jump to (
) beside the Archiver name.
This brings you directly to the Resources tab of the
selected Archiver.
Set up the Archiver role for
The basic LPR Manager settings are configured. You can continue to customize your AutoVu™ system by configuring the other LPR Manager