LPR Manager - Properties tab

In the LPR task on the Properties tab, you can configure the general LPR Manager role settings and optional AutoVu™ features. The availability of certain features depends on your Security Center license.

General settings

Use the General settings to configure the Root folder for the LPR Manager, the user group for the Genetec Patroller™ installations, and how long the data from the LPR Manager is kept in the database.
  • Root folder: Click to hide description
    Main folder on the computer hosting the LPR Manager, where all the configuration files are created, saved, and exchanged between the LPR Manager and the Genetec Patroller™ units it manages.
  • Optimize Root folder disk space: Click to hide description
    Enable the use of symbolic links to reduce disk utilization when the same file is replicated in multiple folders, such as when you have large hotlists or permit lists associated to individual Genetec Patroller™ units. This reduces the Root folder’s overall disk space, and optimizes file transfer performance to the Genetec Patroller™ in-vehicle computer.
    IMPORTANT: If your root folder is on a network drive, the Genetec™ Server service must be configured to run using a domain user and not a local user.
  • User group for Patrollers: Click to hide description
    List of users (and their passwords) who are allowed to log on to the patrol vehicles managed by the LPR Manager. This list is downloaded to the patrol vehicles.
  • Retention period: Click to hide description
    Specify how many days of LPR-related data Security Center can query. The default is 90 days, and the maximum is 4000 days. The LPR date that is older than the values specified do not appear in Security Center queries and reports (Hit reports, Read reports, and so on).
    • Genetec Patroller™ route retention period: Click to hide description
      Number of days the Genetec Patroller™ route data (GPS coordinates) is kept in the database.
    • Hit retention period: Click to hide description
      Number of days the hit data is kept in the LPR Manager database.
    • Hit image retention period: Click to hide description
      Number of days the hit image data is kept by the linked Archiver role. The Hit image retention period cannot exceed the Hit retention period since a hit image is always associated with a hit.
    • Read retention period: Click to hide description
      Number of days the license plate reads are kept in the LPR Manager database. The Read retention period cannot exceed the Hit retention period. If the read retention is lower than the hit retention, only the reads that are associated with hits are kept.
    • Read image retention period: Click to hide description
      Number of days the read image data is kept by the linked Archiver role. The Read image retention period cannot exceed the Read retention period since a read image is always associated to a read.
    • Event retention period: Click to hide description
      Number of days Genetec Patroller™ events (user logged on, logged off, and patrol vehicle positions) are kept in the LPR Manager database.
    • Parking occupancy retention period: Click to hide description
      Number of days the parking occupancy data is kept in the LPR Manager database.
    • Parking zone data retention period: Click to hide description
      Number of days the parking zone data is kept in the LPR Manager database. This data includes parking session information, for example, parking session start times and state transitions, as well as information on the events that occur within the parking zone. The Parking zone data retention period cannot exceed the Read retention period.


The Live settings are used to configure how data is transferred between Security Center and fixed Sharp cameras, and also between Security Center and Genetec Patroller™.
NOTE: You only need to configure the Live settings if you are enrolling a Sharp camera running SharpOS 12.6 or earlier, or if you are configuring a Genetec Patroller™ connection.
  • Listening port: Click to hide description
    Port used to listen for connection requests coming from fixed Sharp cameras. After the connection is established, the LPR Manager can receive live updates from the LPR units it manages.
    NOTE: If you are using multiple LPR Managers, each LPR Manager must use a different listening port.
  • Sharp Sharp discovery port: Click to hide description
    Port used by the LPR Manager to find fixed Sharp units on the network. The same port number must be used in the Discovery port setting on the Sharp.
    NOTE: When setting the discovery port, do not use port 5050 as it is reserved for the logger service.
  • Send on read (fixed Sharps only): Click to hide description
    The Sharp images that are sent to Security Center for each plate read. These images are displayed in Security Desk when monitoring LPR events.
    NOTE: This Live setting also applies when using the LPM protocol.
    • License plate image: Click to hide description
      Include the high resolution close-up image of the license plate along with the plate read data.
    • Context image: Click to hide description
      Include the wide angle context image of the vehicle along with the plate read data.
  • Channel security: Click to hide description
    Encrypt communication between Security Center and Genetec Patroller™.
    IMPORTANT: If you select this option, encryption must also be enabled in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool.
    • Encrypt communication channel: Click to hide description
      Encrypt communication between Genetec Patroller™ and Security Center.
    • Accept non encrypted messages: Click to hide description
      Security Center will accept incoming connections from patrol vehicles that do not have the encryption option enabled.

LPM protocol

When a Sharp camera (SharpOS 12.7 or later with the LPM protocol enabled) connects to the LPR Manger role, the connection is managed by the LPM protocol which provides a secure and reliable connection to Security Center.

File association

The File association settings specify which hotlists and permits are active and managed by the LPR Manager.
  • Hotlists: Click to hide description
    A list of all the hotlists in Security Center. Select which hotlists you want the LPR Manager to manage.
  • Permits: Click to hide description
    A list of all the permits in Security Center. Select which permits the LPR Manager manages.


The Matching settings are used to enable matching between hotlists and fixed Sharp units. When matching is enabled, you can configure event-to-actions in Security Desk that trigger on Match and No match events.
  • Matching: Click to hide description
    When matching is enabled, you can configure event-to-actions in Security Desk that trigger when the Sharp reads a plate that is on a hotlist you’ve activated in File association.
  • Generate No match events: Click to hide description
    Security Center generates No match events when a plate is not found on a specific hotlist. You can then configure event-to-actions in Security Desk based on No match events.
  • Past-read matching: Click to hide description
    When past-read matching is enabled, the system compares new or updated hotlists against previously-captured license plate reads.
    • The database retention period is configurable. All hits past the configured retention period are deleted from the database.
    • If a hotlist hit has already been generated for a plate, performing past-read matching does not generate a duplicate hit for the plate.
    • Federated hotlists cannot be used for past-read matching.
    • If a hit is generated based on a past-read match, it is indicated in the Post matched column in the Security DeskHits report.
    • Hotlists: Click to hide description
      Select one or more hotlists to be used for past-read matching.
      NOTE: For a hotlist to be used with past-read matching, the hotlist must first be associated with the role or fixed Sharp camera for which past-read matching has been activated.
    • Search back time: Click to hide description
      Set the limit for how far in the past the system searches for plate reads when past-read matching is triggered.


The Geocoding feature converts the raw GPS data (longitude, latitude) from patrol vehicels into street addresses. The street addresses are then saved along with the reads in the LPR Manager database.
NOTE: You need geocoding if your patrol vehicles are equipped with GPS but no maps.
  • Map type: Click to hide description
    Displays the map type set in the Security Center license.
  • Maps and data folder: Click to hide description
    Folder where the Benomad files are found. This folder must be on the same computer where the LPR Manager is installed.

Plate filtering

The Plate filtering settings determine what to do when a hotlist or permit list is modified and the LPR Manager detects that there are entries with invalid characters (non-alphanumeric characters).
  • Plate number valid characters: Click to hide description
    The types of characters to filter on (Latin, Arabic, or Japanese).
  • Invalid plate number: Click to hide description
    How the LPR Manager handles invalid records.
    • Modify record: Click to hide description
      (Default setting). Removes any non-alphanumeric characters from the plate number. For example, the plate number “ABC#%3” becomes “ABC3”.
    • Remove record: Click to hide description
      Deletes the entire entry from the list.
  • Log filtering: Click to hide description
    Select to log the filtering process. The plate filtering logs will be saved in the AutoVu™ root folder: C:\Genetec\AutoVu\RootFolder.

Email notification

The Email notification setting turns on email notifications for hotlist hits, and lets you customize the look and contents of the email message.
  • Email attribute name: Click to hide description
    Used for email notification at the individual license plate level. Type the name of the hotlist attribute related to email notification. For example, if you added an “Email” attribute on the hotlist entity’s Properties tab, then type the exact same name here. The names must match exactly.
  • Email attachments: Click to hide description
    The LPR data that is attached to the notification email, and whether to hide the license plate numbers in the message body.
    • License plate image: Click to hide description
      High resolution close-up images of the license plate.
    • Context image: Click to hide description
      A wider angle color image of the vehicle.
    • Wheel image: Click to hide description
      Replaces the read plate number, and the matched plate number in the email with asterisks (*).
  • Log emails: Click to hide description
    Select this option to log hotlist hit notification emails. The email logs will be saved in the AutoVu™ root folder: C:\Genetec\AutoVu\RootFolder.
  • Template: Click to hide description
    Customize the email. Do any of the following:
    • Edit the email’s subject line or message body.
    • Switch between plain text and HTML.
    • Add formatting (bold, italics, and so on).
    • Right-click in the message body for a menu of quick tags that you can use to add more information to the email.
    • Restore the default email template at any time.

XML import

The XML import settings are used to import data from third-party applications into the LPR Manager database. When you turn this setting on, Security Center creates an XML import entity, and then associates the imported data with this entity. In Security Desk, you can then filter on the XML import entity when running hit or read reports
NOTE: This option requires a license. Please contact your representative of Genetec Inc. for more information.
  • XML read template file: Click to hide description
    Specify where the XML read template file is located. You'll find a default template in the Security Center installation package in Tools\LPR\XMLTemplatesSamples\XMLImport.
    NOTE: In most cases the default template can be used.
  • XML data folder: Click to hide description
    Specify the folder that contains the XML data files for Security Center to import.
    NOTE: Files are deleted from this folder once they've been processed.
  • Supported XML import hashtags: Click to hide description
    The following XML import hashtags are supported. Each hashtag must have an opening and closing XML tag (for example, to use the tag #CONTEXT_IMAGE# you must write <ContextImage>#CONTEXT_IMAGE#</ContextImage> in the XML).
    • #PLATE_READ#: Click to hide description
      License plate as read by the Sharp.
    • #PLATE_STATE#: Click to hide description
      License plate's issuing state or province, if read.
    • #DATE_LOCAL#: Click to hide description
      Local date of the LPR event.
    • #DATE_UTC#: Click to hide description
      UTC date of date of the LPR event.
    • #TIME_UTC#: Click to hide description
      UTC time of the LPR event.
    • #TIME_ZONE#: Click to hide description
      Local time zone for the LPR event.
    • #CONTEXT_IMAGE#: Click to hide description
      Context image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
    • #PLATE_IMAGE#: Click to hide description
      License plate image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
    • #LONGITUDE#: Click to hide description
      Longitude of the LPR event (in decimal degrees or DMS).
    • #LATITUDE#: Click to hide description
      Latitude of the LPR event (in decimal degrees or DMS).
    • #GUID#: Click to hide description
      Unique identifier of the LPR event.
    • #CUSTOM_FIELDS#: Click to hide description
      You can import other fields with this hashtag by using the key=value format. Format the key as #CUSTOM_FIELDS#{KEY}.
      NOTE: You must specify a format for DATE and TIME hashtags. For example, #DATE_LOCAL#{yyyy/MM/dd}). Click here for more information about which formats to use. If these hashtags are not included, UTC dates and times are used as a baseline for calculating the local time. If an error occurs, the time the LPR Manager role imported the data is used

XML export

The XML export settings are used to send LPR Manager reads and hits to third-party applications. Reads and hits are sent live as they occur.
  • XML templates folder: Click to hide description
    Specify where the XML templates folder is located. You’ll find default templates in Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center X.X\Add-On\LPR\XMLTemplatesSamples\XMLExport. There are XML templates for each type of LPR event (plate reads, hotlist hits, overtime hits, permit hits, and shared permit hits).
    NOTE: In most cases the default template can be used.
  • XML export folder: Click to hide description
    Specify the folder that contains the XML files exported by the LPR Manager.
  • Time format: Click to hide description
    Enter the time format used in the exported files. As you set the time format the information field displays what the time format will look like in the XML file.
    To identify the units of time, use the following notation:
    Notation Description
    h Hour
    m Minute
    s Second
    : Must use a colon (:) between the hour, minute, and second units.
    hh,mm,ss Display time with leading zero. For example: 03:06:03 represents 3 hours 6 minutes 3 seconds.
    h,m,s Display without leading zero. For example: 3:6:3 represents 3 hours 6 minutes 3 seconds.
    tt Include A.M. or P.M. If using a 12-hour clock, you might want to use A.M. or P.M. notation. Unit can be preceded with or without a space. For example, HH:mm:ss tt displays 17:38:42 PM.
    Lowercase h 12-hour clock.
    Uppercase H 24-hour clock.
  • Date format: Click to hide description
    Select a date format to use in the exported files. You can choose either MM/dd/yyyy or yyyy-MM-dd. For example, yyyy-MM-dd displays 2016-06-21.
  • Supported XML hashtags: Click to hide description
    The following XML export hashtags are supported. Each hashtag must have an opening and closing XML tag (for example, to use the tag #CONTEXT_IMAGE# you must write <ContextImage>#CONTEXT_IMAGE#</ContextImage> in the XML).
    • #ACCEPT_REASON#: Click to hide description
      Reason hit was accepted.
    • #ATTRIBUTES#: Click to hide description
      Generate all Read and Hit attributes.
    • #CAMERA_NAME#: Click to hide description
      Name of the camera.
    • #CONTEXT_IMAGE#: Click to hide description
      Context image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
    • #DATE_LOCAL#: Click to hide description
      Local date of the LPR event.
    • #ELAPSED_TIME#: Click to hide description
      For an overtime hit, this tag indicates the time difference between the two plate reads (displaying the number of days is optional).
    • #FIRST_VEHICLE#: Click to hide description
      For a shared permit hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the first vehicle seen.
    • #FIRST_VEHICLE_FROM_STREET#: Click to hide description
      For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute From street from the first plate read.
    • #FIRST_VEHICLE_TO_STREET#: Click to hide description
      For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute To street from the first plate read.
    • #HOTLIST_CATEGORY#: Click to hide description
      Category field of the hotlist that generated the hit.
    • #GUID#: Click to hide description
      Unique identifier of the LPR event.
    • #INVENTORY_LOCATION#: Click to hide description
      For MLPI installations, the location of the vehicle inventory.
    • #ISHIT#: Click to hide description
      This tag indicates if the LPR event is a hit.
    • #LATITUDE#: Click to hide description
      Latitude of the LPR event (in decimal degrees).
    • #LATITUDE#{dms}: Click to hide description
      Latitude of the LPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
    • #LATITUDE#{dec}: Click to hide description
      Latitude of the LPR event (in decimal degrees).
    • #LATITUDE_DEGREE#: Click to hide description
      Latitude of the LPR event (degrees).
    • #LATITUDE_DMS#: Click to hide description
      Latitude of the LPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
    • #LATITUDE_MINUTE#: Click to hide description
      Latitude of the LPR event (minutes).
    • #LATITUDE_SECOND#: Click to hide description
      Latitude of the LPR event (seconds).
    • #LONGITUDE#: Click to hide description
      Longitude of the LPR event (in decimal degrees).
    • #LONGITUDE#{dec}: Click to hide description
      Longitude of the LPR event (in decimal degrees).
    • #LONGITUDE#{dms}: Click to hide description
      Latitude of the LPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
    • #LONGITUDE_DEGREE#: Click to hide description
      Longitude of the LPR event (degrees).
    • #LONGITUDE_DMS#: Click to hide description
      Longitude of the LPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
    • #LONGITUDE_MINUTE#: Click to hide description
      Longitude of the LPR event (minutes).
    • #LONGITUDE_SECOND#: Click to hide description
      Longitude of the LPR event (seconds).
    • #MATCHED_PLATE#: Click to hide description
      License plate against which the hit was generated.
    • #ORIGINAL#: Click to hide description
      For an overtime hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the first read of a given plate.
    • #OVERVIEW_IMAGE#: Click to hide description
      Overview image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
    • #PATROLLER_ID#: Click to hide description
      ID of Patroller unit.
    • #PATROLLER_NAME#: Click to hide description
      Name of patrol vehicle unit.
    • #PERMIT_NAME#: Click to hide description
      Name of the permit that generated the LPR event.
    • #PLATE_IMAGE#: Click to hide description
      License plate image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
    • #PLATE_READ#: Click to hide description
      License plate as read by the Sharp.
    • #PLATE_STATE#: Click to hide description
      License plate's issuing state or province, if read.
    • #REJECT_REASON#: Click to hide description
      Reason hit was rejected.
    • #READ#: Click to hide description
      Embed the contents of the ReadTemplate.xml inside another XML template (useful for hits).
    • #RULE_COLOR#: Click to hide description
      Color of the rule associated to the LPR event.
    • #RULE_ID#: Click to hide description
      ID of the rule associated to the LPR event.
    • #RULE_NAME#: Click to hide description
      Name of the rule associated to the LPR event (hotlist, overtime, permit, or permit restriction).
    • #SECOND_VEHICLE#: Click to hide description
      For a shared permit hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the second vehicle seen.
    • #SECOND_VEHICLE_FROM_STREET#: Click to hide description
      For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute From street from the second plate read.
    • #SECOND_VEHICLE_TO_STREET#: Click to hide description
      For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute To street from the second plate read.
    • #SHARP_NAME#: Click to hide description
      Name of the Sharp that read the plate.
    • #STATE#: Click to hide description
      License plate's issuing state or province, if read.
    • #TIME_LOCAL#: Click to hide description
      Local time.
    • #USER_ACTION#: Click to hide description
      User action related to the LPR event.
    • #USER_ID#: Click to hide description
      ID of the user.
    • #USER_NAME#: Click to hide description
      Name of the user.
    • #VEHICLE#: Click to hide description
      Same as #READ#.

AutoVu™ Free-Flow

Turn on AutoVu™ Free-Flow to configure the XML export of parking events for third-party parking permit providers using the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin.