Server Admin - Main server page

The Server Admin - Main server page lets you configure your Directory database and the settings pertaining to your main server.


Click the Actions drop-down list beside the server name to see what actions can be applied to the main server.
The available actions are:
  • Directory:
  • Genetec™ Server:
    • Console:
      Open the Debug Console page (reserved for Genetec™ Technical Support Engineers).
    • Restart:
      Restart the Genetec™ Server service. This action renders the server temporarily unavailable.


The Directory section shows the status and settings of the Directory database. The Directory database contains all system and entity configurations, the incident reports, and the alarm history.
NOTE: If you accessed Server Admin from Config Tool instead of through a web browser, you do not see the database commands (upgrading or restoring the database) because you are still connected to the Directory. You cannot modify the Directory database while you are still connected to it.


Use this section to configure the network card and the TPC listening port used by the Genetec™ Server service.

Secure communication

Use this section to view the current identity certificate used by the server to communicate with other Security Center servers.