Auxiliary Archiver - Resources tab

You can use the Resources page to configure the archive storage and view the operation statistics of the Auxiliary Archiver role.

Click the Resources tab to assign servers, databases, and disk storage to this Auxiliary Archiver role.

Auxiliary Archiver statistics

The Statistics dialog box appears when you click the Statistics () button. It provides information regarding the archive storage, and the rate at which it is being consumed.
  • Refresh (): Click to hide description
    Refreshes the statistics.
  • List of assigned disks: Click to hide description
    Snapshot of the disk statistics taken from the last time a refresh occurred.
    • Used space: Click to hide description
      Amount of space used by video archives.
    • Available space: Click to hide description
      Available free space for video archives (equals Free space on disk minus Min. free space).
    • Free space: Click to hide description
      Free space on disk.
    • Load percentage: Click to hide description
      Percentage of space used over the allotted space.
    • R/W: Click to hide description
      Indicates whether the role has read and write access to the folder.
  • Protected video file statistics (): Click to hide description
    View the percentage of protected video files on the selected disk.
  • Average disk usage: Click to hide description
    Average space used per day (first line) and average space used per camera per day (second line).
  • Estimated remaining recording time: Click to hide description
    Number of days, hours, and minutes of recording time remaining based on the average disk usage and the current load.
  • Active cameras: Click to hide description
    Number of cameras detected by the Archiver.
  • Archiving cameras: Click to hide description
    Number of cameras that have archiving enabled (Continuous, On event, or Manual) and that are not suffering from any issue that prevents archiving.

    See details: View the recording state and statistics of each individual camera in the Archiving cameras dialog box. The statistics are taken from the last refresh of the Statistics dialog box. This report allows you to verify whether each encoder is currently streaming video (and audio) and whether the Archiver is currently recording the data.

  • Total number of cameras: Click to hide description
    Total number of cameras assigned to this role.
  • Archiving span: Click to hide description
    Time bracket in which video archives can be found.
  • Archiver receiving rate: Click to hide description
    Rate at which the Archiver is receiving data.
  • Archiver writing rate: Click to hide description
    Rate at which the Archiver is writing to disk.
  • Network traffic in: Click to hide description
    Incoming network traffic bit rate on this computer.
  • Network traffic out: Click to hide description
    Outgoing network traffic bit rate on this computer.

Advanced settings

The advanced settings are independent of the server hosting the role.
  • Video watermarking: Click to hide description
    Turn on this option to protect your video archive against tampering.
  • Delete oldest files when disks are full: Click to hide description
    Turn on this option to recycle the archive storage (the default mode). The oldest files are deleted to make space for new files when all the disks within a disk group are full.
  • Enable edge playback requests: Click to hide description
    Turn on this option only if the Archiver controls units that are configured for edge recording. By default, this option is turned off to prevent sending playback requests to units that are not recording.
  • Enable thumbnail requests: Click to hide description
    Turn on this option to show video thumbnails for the Archiver (for example, in reports). This option must also be turned on to send snapshots using the Email a snapshot action.
  • Enable archive consolidation: Click to hide description
    Turn this option on to duplicate video archives from the secondary or tertiary Archiver server on the primary Archiver server after an Archiver failover occurs. The primary Archiver server checks every hour for video archives that can be consolidated from the secondary or tertiary servers for the period it was offline.
  • Enable Telnet console: Click to hide description
    Turn on this option to enable the Telnet debug console for this Archiver.
  • Protected video threshold: Click to hide description
    This is a safety threshold that limits the amount of space that protected video files can occupy on disks. The percentage you set is the proportion of protected video that you can have of the total size of recorded videos on the disk. Protected video files are files that will not be deleted by normal archive cleanup procedures. If this threshold is exceeded, the Archiver generates the Protected video threshold exceeded event once every 15 minutes for as long as the condition is true, but will not delete any video file that is protected.
  • Disk load warning threshold: Click to hide description
    The percentage of disk space that must be occupied before the Disk load threshold exceeded event is generated. The default value is 90%. The Archiver generates this event once every hour for as long as the condition is true. The disk load is calculated as follows:

    Disk load = Occupied disk space / (Total disk capacity - Min. free space)

  • Max archive transfer throughput: Click to hide description
    The maximum bandwidth available for outbound data transfers from the archiving role.
  • Maximum simultaneous edge transfer cameras: Click to hide description
    The maximum number of edge transfer cameras the role can handle at any given time.
  • Video files: Click to hide description
    These two settings are used to control the size of the video files created by the Archiver:
    • Maximum length: Click to hide description
      Limits the length of video sequence contained in each file. The video length is the time span between the first video frame and the last video frame stored in a file. The default value is 20 minutes.
    • Maximum size: Click to hide description
      Limits the size of the video file. The default value is 500 MB. The Archiver starts saving the video to a new video file when either one of these conditions is met.
  • Additional settings: Click to hide description
    These additional settings are reserved for use by our Technical Assistance personnel.