Editing video snapshots

To ensure privacy or to hide elements of a video snapshot, you can use the editing tools in the video snapshot image editor.

Before you begin

Take a video shapshot.

What you should know

To edit a video snapshot:

  1. From the home page, click Tools > Vault .
  2. From the Vault, open the Image editor by doing the following:
    • Select the snapshot and click Edit ().
    • Right-click the snapshot and click Edit.
  3. Edit the snapshot using the following editing tools:
    • Rotate the image
    • Flip the image
    • Crop the image ()
    • Adjust the transparency ()
    • Adjust the brightness and contrast ()
    • Hide or blur sections of the image using the Mask tool ()
    • Zoom the image in or out by holding the Ctrl key, and scrolling using your mouse wheel

      After the image is zoomed in, you can pan and scroll the image. Pan the image by holding the Ctrl key, and clicking and dragging your mouse. Scroll vertically using your mouse wheel. Scroll horizontally by holding the Shift key, and using your mouse wheel.

  4. Click Save as and save the edited snapshot.
    IMPORTANT: If you need to keep the original snapshot, you must save the edited snapshot with a different file name.