Troubleshooting: Determining whether the workstation or the network cause video degradation

If the video you are monitoring is jittery or is dropping frames, use the rendering rate video statistic to determine whether the workstation is the cause. Rendering rate is the comparison of how fast the workstation renders a video with the speed the workstation receives that video from the network.

What you should know

The rendering rate video statistic is made up of:

To view the rendering rate of a video:

  1. Select the tile that is playing video.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+A.
    Video stream statistics are displayed in the tile.


If your rendering rate is "13.49 rendered fps on 21.07 fps", your workstation is processing 13.49 fps. However, it is receiving videos at 21.07 fps. The workstation cannot process all the frames it is receiving. Your workstation is the cause for the degraded quality of the video you are monitoring. In this case, lighten the load, and check the hardware and its drivers.
If your rendering rate is "13.49 rendered fps on 13.49 fps", your workstation is processing every frame that it is receiving from the network. In this case, compare the second value to the camera's configured fps rate to determine whether the network is not sending all the frames it is receiving from the camera. If there is a difference in these two rates, either the camera or the network is the cause of the video degradation.
  • Check the camera's firmware.
  • Check the health of the network.