Viewing system messages

If you receive messages from the system, you can review them from the notification tray, and diagnose the trouble entities.

What you should know

You can receive three types of messages from the system:
  • Health issues
  • Warnings
  • Messages
NOTE: System messages are not the same as health events related to entities. Health events can be health issues, but health issues are not necessarily health events.

To view system messages:

  1. In the notification tray, double-click the System messages () icon.
  2. In the Health issues tab of the Notifications dialog box, do one of the following:
    • From the Sort by drop-down list, select how to display the health issues. You can sort them alphabetically by health event type, event timestamp, machine (computer name), or source (entity name).
    • Click an entity to open its configuration pages, to diagnose the entity.
    • Click in a row to launch a Health history task and view system health events.
    • Click Refresh to update the content displayed in the Health issues tab.
  3. In the Warnings () tab, do one of the following:
    • Click an entity to open its configuration pages. .
    • Click Details () to open the diagnostic window, which provides additional details about the warning.

      From this window you can save the warning as a text file, or click Refresh to rerun the diagnostic tests.

  4. In the Messages () tab, select a message, and do one of the following:
    • Click Copy to clipboard to copy the selected message to the clipboard.
    • Click Clear all to delete the selected messages.
    • Click Clear all to clear all messages.
  5. Click to close the Notifications dialog box.