Using default Security Desk settings to view federated cameras

When requesting live video from federated cameras, instead of using the default settings of the Federation™ role, you can configure a workstation to use the default settings of the Security Desk instead.

What you should know

When users request live video from a local camera, the default stream setting is taken from the default video options in Security Desk (default=Live).

However, when users request live video from a federated camera, the default stream setting is taken from the properties of the Federation™ role (default=Remote).

This is because federated cameras are often used in a low bandwidth segment of the network. If you know that a workstation does not need to follow the default settings of the Federation™ role, you can change its configuration to use the default settings of Security Desk instead.

To overwrite the Federation™ role settings with the Security Desk settings for federated cameras:

  1. On the workstation where you want to change the default behavior, open the file GeneralSettings.gconfig with a text editor.
    You can find this file in the ConfigurationFiles folder, under the Security Center installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.8).
  2. Find the line that contains <configuration>, and add the following line immediately below it:
    <streamUsage bypassFederationDefaultStream="true"/>
  3. Save your changes and restart Security Desk.