Modifying the status of imported cardholders

You can modify the status and expiration date of an imported cardholder in Security Center. The cardholder becomes desynchronized from the AD.

To modify the status of an imported cardholder:

  1. Open the Access control task.
  2. Select an imported cardholder (), and click the Properties tab.
  3. In the Status section, move the slider from Keep synchronized to Override.
  4. Set the cardholder’s status and expiration date:
    • Status: Click to hide description
      Set their status to Active or Inactive. For their credentials to work, and for them to have access to any area, their status must be Active.
    • Activation: Click to hide description
      Displays the current date.
    • Expiration: Click to hide description
      Set an expiration for their profile:
      • Never:
        Never expires.
      • Specific date:
        Expires on a specific date and time.
      • Set expiration on first use:
        Expires a specified number of days after the first use.
      • When not used:
        Expires when it has not been used for a specified number of days.
  5. Click Apply.

The cardholder is no longer synchronized with the AD. It will only become synchronized again once you set the cardholder’s status to Keep synchronized.