If your Security
Center license includes
BeNomad, the offline maps must be installed before you can use BeNomad to provide map and
reverse geocoding information.
Before you begin
After your
Center license is
created, you will receive an email with a
.zip file containing the
BeNomad maps for your geographic location, and a unique
.glic file
containing your BeNomad license information. You need both files to install
What you should know
BeNomad must be installed on all Security
Center client machines.
To install BeNomad:
Unzip the contents of the BeNomad .zip file to your client
A folder called BeNomad is created.
Copy the BeNomad folder to the main program folder where Security
Center is installed.
The default location of this folder is: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.8.
Copy the .glic license file to the BeNomad folder
on the client machine.
The BeNomad map provider is enabled when you start Config