You can set a different retention period for the secondary Archiver server (used for failover or redundancy) to manage more precisely
the amount of data storage. You can configure this setting in the Archiver.gconfig file.
What you should know
- A redundant or secondary Archiver server can have a smaller or a larger retention period than the primary Archiver server.
- If no value is specified for the secondary Archiver server, or if the value is equal to zero, the retention
period of the primary Archiver server is applied.
- If a custom retention period is configured for a given camera, the Archiver configuration
is ignored for that camera.
- The configuration for the redundant retention period does not apply to archive backups.
- The new default retention period of the secondary Archiver is a role configuration. Both the
primary and secondary archiving computers must have the same configuration file.
To configure the recording retention period for the secondary Archiver server:
Open the \<Installation directory>\Configuration Files\Archiver.gconfig.
The Security
Center installation directory can be found
(by default) at the following location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.x.
Set the DefaultRetentionPeriodForSecondaryArchver value to the number of
days you want to retain the secondary recordings.
For example: <ArchiverRole DefaultRetentionPeriodForSecondaryArchiver="1" /> sets
the secondary retention period to one day.
Save the file.
Restart the Archiver process to apply the changes.