Video options

After you become familiar with how to work with video in Security Center, you can customize how video is handled by the system from the Video tab in the Options dialog box.

Seek time options

Select the default values when seeking for live and playback video. These settings are saved as part of your user profile.
  • Playback offset: Click to hide description
    When you view an event in a tile, this value determines how many seconds of video is played before the event occurred. The default playback offset value is 15 seconds. You can set the value from 0 to 90 seconds.
    NOTE: If the Time to record before an event option in Config Tool has a lower value than the seek time, you might not receive any video. Ask you administrator for the Time to record before an event value. For more information, see the Security Center Administrator Guide.
  • Playback duration: Click to hide description
    When you view an event in a tile, this value determines how many seconds of video is played. If you export the event, this value determines the length of the exported video sequence.
  • Jump backward/forward: Click to hide description
    Determines the amount of time that a playback video recording jumps backwards or forwards when you click Jump backward () or Jump forward () in the camera widget.

Default options

Select the default values when playing video. These settings apply to the local Security Desk workstation for all users.

Video cache options

The video cache is used to cache playback video streams received by Security Desk. Playback video is buffered before playback starts so that a sufficient length of video plays. The cache helps to reduce re-transmission of video, allows faster access to playback video, provides smoother reverse playback and additional playback speeds. The cache is emptied when you close Security Desk or log off.

These settings apply to the local Security Desk workstation for all users.

Advanced settings

The advanced video settings apply to the local workstation and affect Security Desk and Config Tool for all users.

NOTE: After changing the Advanced setting options, you must restart Security Desk.
  • Jitter buffer delay: Click to hide description
    The jitter buffer prevents rendering issues with the video stream caused by network latency variations, and provides smoother video in the event of irregular frame transmission from the source. It is recommended that you keep the buffer size at a minimum to avoid side effects such as a time lag in PTZ manipulation or an increased delay when you start to view a video stream.
  • Enable deinterlacing: Click to hide description
    Select this option to help reduce the jagged effect around straight lines during movement in interlaced video streams.
  • Enable video quality degradation: Click to hide description
    Select this option to prevent Security Desk from using too much CPU on your computer by lowering the frame rate of the video displayed. When the CPU is above 90%, Security Desk lowers the frame rate of the video displayed in the canvas, starting from tile number 1. MJPEG video streams are reduced to 5 fps or lower, while video streams using other types compression are reduced by showing only key frames. The video tiles affected by this option are indicated with a flashing icon (). To restore a video to its normal frame rate, clear the tile and restore its content (from the tile widget, click and click ).
    NOTE: Whenever you change the content displayed in the canvas, Security Desk restarts lowering the video frame rate from tile #1.
  • Camera tile: Click to hide description
    Select how cameras are displayed in tiles.
    • Display full image (boxed): Click to hide description
      Black strips might appear around the image if the aspect ratio of the image is not the same as that of the tile.

    • Fill the tile (cropped): Click to hide description
      The video image fills the tile. The image might be cropped if the aspect ratio of the image is not the same as that of the tile.

  • Audio mode: Click to hide description
    Select the audio mode.
    • Full-duplex: Click to hide description
      Allows you to talk and listen at the same time.
    • Half-duplex (push-to-talk): Click to hide description
      Requires you to switch between talking and listening. When you click the Talk () button in the camera widget, the Listen () button is disabled until you release the Talk button. Half-duplex mode is necessary when two units are connected, or when audio must be controlled through digital inputs.
  • Playback filter type (context menu): Click to hide description
    Select how Security Desk queries the playback source selected by the user.
    • Streaming source: Click to hide description
      (Default) The user selects the role from which to stream the video. Security Desk only queries the servers hosting the selected role. With this option, the user might see gaps in the video, if parts of the video archive have been transferred (moved) to other roles.
    • Original archive source: Click to hide description
      The user selects the roles that originally recorded the video. Security Desk queries all roles that have a copy of the original video recorded by the selected role. With this option, the user will not see any gaps in the video even if parts of the video archive have been transferred to other roles.
  • Hardware acceleration: Click to hide description
    Turn this option on to allow Security Desk to offload video decoding from the main CPU to the video cards. To see what video cards are installed on your computer, click Show hardware information. There are also tips about how to achieve the best video decoding performance.
  • Call-up time optimization: Click to hide description
    Turn this option on to reduce the call-up time for a group of cameras. After you enable this feature in Security Desk, you must select a sequence of cameras from the Call-up time camera list. Security Desk continuously streams live video from the selected cameras and allows faster video access.
    NOTE: Enabling this feature puts a burden on the system, resulting in increased bandwidth consumption on the redirector servers and extra stream request on the Archiver server.