This section lists the settings found in the Permit Properties
tab, in the LPR task.
In the
Properties tab, you can configure the parsing of the source permit data file.
Path to the permit source text file that contains the permit data, such as license
plate numbers and other related vehicle information. The source text file can be
located on the LPR Manager computer’s local drive (for example, the C drive), or on a
network drive that is accessible from the LPR Manager computer.
Use delimiters:
Tells Security
Center that the fields in the
permit list file vary in length, and indicates the character used to separate each
field in the file. By default, Use delimiters is set to
On, and the delimiter specified is a
semi-colon (;). If your permit list file is made up of fixed
length fields, set Use delimiters to
Visible in editor:
Allow a user to edit the hotlist or permit list using the Hotlist and permit editor
Tells Security
Center the name and order of
the fields (attributes) in the source text file.